Are you fizzled out after hitting a sales slump? Well, if you have, chances are you are not alone. At one time, you are hitting the balls out of the park, enjoying the laurels that come your way; the next moment, you aren’t able to middle the ball properly.

What’s happened all of a sudden? Is a portentous curse at play! Or have you met a cul-de-sac! Thing is you are going through a rough patch, which in a sales world is a common thing. A sales slump can suck out your morale, throw your confidence in the dumps and take you on a pessimistic ride, which in turn can make you feel like a loser.

While doubting your abilities is a strict NO during this lean patch, the only way out of this emotional abyss is to calm yourself, take a deep breath, and get to the drawing board to brew a potent solution to this. The good news is droughts don’t last forever. Just pull up your socks and steer your way through the slump, and you will see your sales graph in momentum again.

To cheer you up and help you further with overcoming a sales drought, we have waxed some killer out-of-the-box tips for you. Read on.


Reinvent yourself

A sales slump can be a blessing in disguise sometimes to reinvent yourself. Don’t think about the sales deal drought at all. Take it as just a blip on your sales radar. Finetune your listening skills, skills in using tools & software and also hone your product knowledge. Binge on some positive literature stuff to get your optimistic juices flowing. Remember you are on the brink of a good sales breakthrough.


Do an autopsy of the sales strategies

Sales strategies lose their fizz with time and fall short of matching customer expectations or understanding customer behaviour. Since customer behaviour is always in a state of flux, it may be that your stock of sales strategies don’t have that stellar mojo anymore. Find out the infirmities in your sales tactics, oil up the strategies that look good and arm your sales arsenal to fire on all cylinders.


Play hard to get

  1. B2B buyers nowadays are accustomed to the sales strategies of salespersons. Sales reps are desperate to close deals and push customers to play into their hands, something which most consumers feel irritated about. BREAK THAT MOLD. Just when the customer is dilly-dallying your offer or is at crossroads with you, just throw down an off-beat statement like “ We don’t know but maybe this product is the right fit for you” or “ I have an offer but you seem to be unprepared for it”. These uncalled-for statements can put customers into a self-introspection and goad them towards knowing about the product; maybe even push them into making the decision.


Push your limits

  1. Staying in the comfort zone where targets are easily achievable will curtail your progress and make you complacent. Setting goals that don’t challenge your limits won’t take you anywhere; On the other hand, you can get frustrated when you are suddenly saddled with new goals that challenge your potential. So, push yourself by setting goals that are in line with your career and personal growth, but which can encourage you towards making a strong sales impact.


Play the empathy card generously

Empathy fuels connection. Customers buy from those brands who understand their needs to the core and how the product will benefit them. While engaging with a prospect, ask questions using phrases (I feel, I do, I would like to) that exhibit a personal touch. Identify their concerns and then go above and beyond to help solve their problems. Guess what, you will earn their respect and take yourself close to inking a sales deal.

A sales deal drought is not the end of the world for you. It is a break to rejig yourself and reshuffle your sales cards. You may feel low and lack the motivation to make a cold call or email; but hey, you shouldn’t behave like a martyr. Instead, collect yourself and take on the challenge with renewed confidence and motivation. The win will be yours in the end.

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